The 2020 Equinet calendar includes cases from:
- Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, Ireland
- Equal Treatment Authority, Hungary
- Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, Albania
- Commission for Equality in Labour and Employment, Portugal
- Advocate of the Principle of Equality, Slovenia
- Institute for the Equality of Women and Men, Belgium
- Commissioner for Human Rights, Poland
- Greek Ombudsman, Greece
- National Commission for the Promotion of Equality, Malta
- Non-Discrimination Ombudsman, Finland
- Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency, Germany
- Nationl Center for Human Rights, Slovakia
- Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, Serbia
- Ombud for Equal Treatment, Austria
- Equality and Human Rights Commission, UK-Great Britain
- Commissioner for Administration and the Protection of Human Rights, Cyprus
Please download the calendar in PDF format here.